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On Agrovate we have a foliar fertilizer named Eco Super Grow. It is a chemical/ natural substance applied directly onto a plants leaves to improve its health and increase fertility. They work their way down the roots, but they also stimulate activity in the leaves, which in turn stimulates root development, Its application means that you are feeding plants by applying liquid fertilizer directly to the leaves as opposed to in the soil. It is an efficient way for boosting & curing plant nutrient deficiencies at specific physiological stages. Eco Super Grower is available in 5L, 1L, and 500mls

Benefit of using ECO SUPER GROW BOOSTER includes feeding the plant more efficiently, stimulate root development, eliminate common deficiencies and control growth rate of the crop Ensure the best results from ECO SUPER GROW BOOSTER foliar fertilizers: Always shake the container before opening. Part fill the spray tank with clean water. Add the required amount


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